The Inseparable relationship

The birth of Jesus Stained Glass
Photo of the Birth of Jesus Stainglass ( by Pixabay on

The Inseparable relationship

Good morning, everyone from Pastor Todd Boxley.   Welcome to “Try Jesus!” If this is your first time joining us, it’s great to have you with us. I would like to thank all the new members for joining “Try Jesus.” Also welcome those in Texas, South Carolina, Kentucky, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

Many today wonder about the direction our nation is headed. Many feel we have abandoned our moral compass. Does it feel like we have replaced the spiritual guidelines of the commandments?

How do we stay centered in God when the nation is pulling in the opposite direction? This is when we focus on the God who orders our steps. This is when we say, “The cross before me, the world behind me.”

This is when we can sing, “Abiding in the vine.” This is when we stand in the armor of God. God will always tell his church, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might!”

This is why we continue to pray and walk in victory. God is still in control and on his throne, Amen? Let’s glorify God in prayer. “Heavenly Father, you are an amazing God! Your mercy endures forever.

We thank you for giving us the breath of life this morning. Lord, we thank you for keeping us in your hands throughout this week. We thank you for meeting all our needs. We have come together to magnify, glorify, and worship you in spirit and in truth.

May your living word and the Holy Spirit open our understanding in today’s message. Lord, by your Holy Spirit, breakdown every assignment of the enemies’ devices. May your word break every chain of bondage, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

I would like to thank all those that responded to “Remember Me” from last week. God is still working his word in the hearts of those that seek after him. Please continue to pray for me and those who prayerfully support “TRY JESUS.”

Have you ever missed someone so badly that you had to see them or hear their voice? It’s been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. How many of you have sons or daughters serving in the Armed forces?

Maybe you have a spouse serving in the military. Have you ever seen the surprise home visits they show on TV? You can see raw real emotions spilling out from their heart when they see the person they love.

Real love has a way of expressing itself beyond the half-hearted expression people question at times from each other. Have you ever asked someone more than once if they missed you?

Have you ever hugged your children after returning home from a long trip and asked them “Did you miss me?” It’s always amusing to hear a child’s response, “uhm, yeah mom, sure, what’s for dinner?”

Or maybe they quickly say to you, “yeah, did you bring me anything?” Keep loving them anyway, right? The greater your love for someone, the more your thoughts are filled up with that individual.

Sometimes that love could be for a pet. I grew up loving my dog. His name was Chico. I thought about him constantly. I would run home from school just to play with him. We did everything together when possible.

Even though everyone in the family considered him to be the family dog, he was always with me. He would sleep in my room. We were completely inseparable. When I was older and mature, I would walk him everywhere.

I believe my parents named him Chico after some TV show called “Chico and the Man.” At the time, being very young, I didn’t care what they called him, I just knew I always wanted him around. Haven’t you felt this way about someone?

The word inseparable means to be incapable of being separated or disjoined. It seems some people are seemingly always together. They have a relationship that is rock solid. They are like two musical notes on the same page.

Stories of people who are high school sweethearts and end up in staying married forever are a great encouragement to how to stay inseparable through the ups and downs that life brings.

When you give your whole heart to someone and embrace their whole being, there is nothing that can separate that kind of love. I saw this real love come to my eyes by a man who loved his wife unceasingly.

Ironically, I saw this not to long after Jesus saved me. I was visiting someone in the hospital (judge a babe in Christ). As I walked into the elevator, there were five women in the elevator who looked at me, paused, and asked if I would pray for their friend.

I didn’t know how to respond, but I told them yes. Obviously, I was nervous and unsure what I would say to these total strangers. As I walked into the room, I saw their friend lying there. Her friends told her I was going to pray for her.

We gathered around her bed and held hands. I was still unsure of what to pray, but suddenly I felt this presence and voice in my spirit saying open your mouth. So, I began to pray words over this woman that were not my own.

The Holy Spirit knew what she needed to hear. After finishing praying and holding the patient’s hand, I thanked them all for inviting me. As I turned to leave, they told me to wait. They then proceeded to offer all this money.

I felt like God deserves this not me.

not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:5-6 KJV). Many people attack the foundation of marriage. But God takes marriage very seriously.

Many have tried to pollute the sanctity of marriage. Again, marriage is the visual relationship that God created as a symbol to how he wanted to be with us. Notice, his church is referred to as his bride.

The wedding of the Lamb and his bride, the church are one with God. The church consists of all faithful (born-again) believers from all time that will be with God for all eternity (Revelation 19:
7-8; 21:2; Isaiah 61:10).

Jesus himself made the claim that he and his Father were one (John 10:
30-33,38). One God in three persons. God demonstrated his love for us by severing his bonding relationship with his son. Which was restored when Jesus said, “It is finished.”

You cannot be anymore inseparable than that. God wants us to seek him for that kind of relationship with all our heart, soul, and strength. God loves you; Jesus loves you; the Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus to dwell in you.

Earlier, I spoke about God breathing his life into Adam. Did you know Jesus breathed his breath on his disciples? Is the breath of God and the breath of the Jesus the same? (Genesis 2:7; John 20:22).

The breath. Greek definition. Meaning immediacy in the sense of receive right now. Hebrew word from (Genesis 2:7) is breath (neshâmâh). Which denotes a puff of wind. A divine breath. The breath of Spirit.

The old creation began with the breath of God; now the new creation begins with the breath of God the Son. You cannot live in God’s Kingdom without first receiving this breath. Without Jesus, you may be alive naturally, but you are dead spiritually.

Many today try to diminish the oneness Jesus has with the Father. They try to diminish and separate the divinity. Many religions and false teachings have tried to dilute the inseparable oneness that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have.

Many of them do not even recognize the person of the Holy Spirit in their teachings. You can find many of these religions on the “TJForLife” pull down page “Christianity vs Cults.” Satan’s plan is to muddy the waters of God’s word.

There are many passages in the Bible that speak to the inseparable oneness we have with our Savior and Lord. Here are just a few of them to meditate and plant in the soil of your heart.

(Romans 8:
35-39; Ephesians 1:13; 3:17-19; 4:4-7; Psalm 16:10; Romans 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 12:11-13; Galatians 2:20; 3:27-29; John 3:16-17; 15:13; Hebrews 13:5; 1 John 4:4-21; 1 Corinthians 13:13).

That last verse is the sealant that holds it all together. Did you know God’s love is different than the world’s love? Many of you have just celebrated Valentines Day this week. But the love Valentines Day offers is mixed with many loves.

How so? Well, it is mixed with financial love. Doesn’t Hallmark make a ton of money on Valentines Day? Doesn’t the chocolate industry profit off of this love? What about the Floral industry? Roses are beautiful, but many die days later.

There are other economic factors in which other businesses want in on the action. When I say it’s mixed. It can be diluted with sinful intentions attached to it. For example, should a fifty-year-old man be giving roses to a seventeen-year-old girl in a dating sense?

Of course, that type of interaction would be corrupted with bad intentions. How about a married woman receiving chocolate hearts from someone else behind her husband’s back?

That’s why the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13) is an important spiritual tutor and guide that Paul emphasized to those in Corinth. Some were morally corrupt. They were embracing the “everything goes, if it feels good do it moto.”

[Love had become a mixed-up term with little meaning in Corinth. Today, people are still confused about love. Love is the greatest of all human qualities and is the very essence of God himself. Faith, hope, and love come together.]

Many lives have been shattered because what they thought was love turned into abuse and desertion. There are many people who tread Valentines Day. It brings back memories of their life being torn apart by unfaithfulness.

Many women carry scars of betrayal and mistrust that leaves them with walls that causes them to abandon any and all thoughts of loving someone in a oneness relationship. Their minds run after inappropriate destructive relationships.

How many people do you know that keep getting into one failed relationship after the other? There are millions and millions of people searching for real love and never find it. The fake economic industry loves it.

They know people will spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on internet date sites hoping to find that love match. With all this said, am I saying it’s wrong to give gifts as an act of love to someone you care about? Not at all.

I’m just indicating the overall fallacy of the love industry. Real lasting love is found only in a personal relationship with Jesus. This is shown throughout the Bible. The woman at the well found out what true love was. (John 4:

Jesus came to restore us spiritually and physically. This means being whole and complete. Once Mary Magdalene was delivered by Jesus, she immediately wanted to cling to him forever. (John 20:17).

Jesus needed to not be detained and held at the tomb. If left to Mary, she would have hid him away for herself and protect him from his enemies. But if Jesus did not ascend to the Father, the Holy Spirit would not be sent.

Have you ever wanted to keep somebody all to yourself, and not share them with anyone? Just recently a Hollywood female star made a statement that all women in the industry better stay away from her husband.

She said she would be respectful but forceful in her tone that he is off limits. She is not sharing him with anyone. Christians have a tight oneness relationship with Jesus, but realize he is to be shared with the whole world.

Mary Magdalene later understood this. She found out later that her and Jesus would have an inseparable relationship from then on. What are you holding on to today that could dissolve tomorrow? It’s time to make that eternal decision.

[Be encouraged that no matter what happens to us or where we are, we can never be separated from the love of Jesus. Suffering should not drive us away from God but help us to identify with him and allow his love to reach us and heal us.]

There is no greater love you can find on earth greater than how Jesus loves you. He is the lover of the soul. His power causes us to love our enemies (Luke 6:35). God’s love is absolutely faithful. Grab hold of his benefits and security.

God forgives our sins and offers us salvation. This guarantees living forever with him in heaven. If God were not kind, we would get the punishment we deserve. Because of his kindness, we’ve been given forgiveness we don’t deserve

If you are serious about connecting with God, then start by approaching him openly. He already knows you. He knew of you long before you were formed in the womb. You can connect with God in the midst of everyday life.

Today, if you want to know God, do this:

A) Follow his instructions. (The Bible for life). Don’t follow religious by-laws and legalism rules. Follow Christianity. Connecting with Pharisee type religions will leave you disconnected from God.

B) Follow his heart: You can’t follow the heart of Jesus if you don’t know where it is. Constantly read the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John over and over again). Following Jesus means following his word (John 14:15).

C) Follow his example: Don’t follow along from a great distance, while being stained by the world’s influence. Stay in the “What would Jesus do moment.” Prayerfully stay in the outer court, inner court, and Holy of hollies.

Don’t just follow along mindlessly repeating the words of Jesus and scribbling some notes during the pastor’s sermon. “No, TRY JESUS members, really follow. Follow hard!”

🗣📢 Last words: Without God, life ultimately becomes empty and withered. Sometimes you wonder if anything you’ve done really matters or will really last. If you are truly seeking something inseparable, then start here.

Without God, your sinful nature is allowed to eat away at you unchecked, eventually turning your soul into a wasteland. When you invite God into your life, he begins to clean out the weeds of sin so the landscape of your soul can thrive and flourish.

Start with considering how great God is. The awesome creator of the universe. Then consider how sinful and mortal you are. Then consider how great God’s love is for you. Make a habit to review these amazing facts everyday.

Today, my friends, as you commit your whole heart (not a divided half to the world) to the Lord, meditate on this beautiful relationship that even when
facing difficult circumstances, God will stay with you (Psalm 23:1-6).

You can learn to praise God and worship him daily. The God who is powerful enough to sustain the universe, still wants to have an inseparable loving relationship with you. You are his greatest love. He came to redeem you.

Today, rejoice! You can praise God for his forgiveness, healing, and salvation. He will continue to demonstrate his care and eternal love for you now and forever.

“Just like Superglue, God is the bond that holds it all together!” “Get ready for that “Superglue love!”

🛐 Here’s a prayer you can pray to have oneness with God. “Heavenly Father, you are so good, faithful, fulfilling, encouraging, and worthy of following you with all my heart, mind, and soul.

Thank you Lord, for today’s meaningful message. I find myself slipping away from that outer court. There are so many vices that end up ruining my day. I want to move closer to you Lord. Seeking things apart from have failed.

Lord, make me an empty space through which you can exist in this world. Father, let your hands be my hands. Let your eyes be my eyes. Lord, help me to see things, people, and situations the way you see them.

Let your mouth be my mouth. Let your words be my words. Let your ears be my ears. Let your voice be my voice. Let your feet be my feet. Let your being be in my being. Let my heartbeat as one with yours.

Lord, help me to disappear in God. Help me to decrease so he can increase. Thank you, Lord, for your inseparable love in my heart. Keep me always in your grip, in your glorious name I pray, Amen.”

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🙏 Please remember to pray for the people in Israel. They are God’s people because of his covenant promises to them. (Genesis 12:1-3; Numbers 6:22-27; 24:8-9). ✝️📲 Prayer Line- Text line- 1-412-616-357

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